Our legal status
The Legal Complaints Service is the complaints handling body of the Law Society. It is part of the Law Society but operates independently from it. The Law Society has delegated its complaints handling functions to us and charged us to exercise those functions independently and in the public interest.
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This site does not ask for any personal information about you. We do collect aggregate statistics about how many visits we receive, which browsers and operating systems are used and the like. This information is used to make the site better, and cannot be used to identify you personally.
Linking to us
We encourage any website owners to link to any information on our site. You do not need to seek permission. Please note: we cannot guarantee that the information will always remain in the same place.
All information on this site, all motifs, images, designs and logos are copyright © The Law Society, unless specifically stated otherwise. We will vigorously pursue any violation of our copyright that seeks to exploit our material for commercial gain.