Forms, documents and guides
You can either download the documents you need below, or you can contact us for free hard copies.
For customers
- Resolution Form (PDF 72k) (Word version 79k)
- Complaint Form (PDF 56k) (Word version 224k)
- Can we help? (PDF 116k)
- Complaints about charities (PDF 86k)
- Complaints about companies (PDF 85k)
- Complaints about handling the estate of someone who has died (PDF 76k)
- Reconsideration policy (PDF 32k)
- Our plan for 2009 - 2010 (PDF 118KB)
Every year, people need help or advice from a solicitor, often for the first time. Choosing and using a solicitor can seem daunting and expensive. At the Legal Complaints Service we know, from dealing with legal complaints, what can sometimes go wrong.
We've produced a series guides designed to help you through this process. From how to choose the right solicitor for you, preparing for the first meeting, what to ask your solicitor and finally, what to do if things go wrong.
For solicitors
- A practical guide to resolving complaints (PDF 314k)
- Internal complaints checklist (PDF 33k)
- Example complaints handling procedure (PDF 72k)
- Interest Policy (PDF 36k)
- Guidance for solicitors on Interest Policy (DOC 99k)
- Complaints Acceptance Policy (PDF 49k)
- Guidance for solicitors on Complaints Acceptance Policy (DOC 78k)
- Reconsideration policy (PDF 32k)
- Our plan for 2009 - 2010 (PDF 118KB)
- Order form for literature (PDF 205k)
We'll happily provide you with versions in alternative formats, just email: or call 01926 823170